Community Connections

The Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce is a partnership of approximately 800 businesses, organizations and individuals who are committed to growing the economy, improving quality of life, and enhancing opportunity for business to succeed in the Columbus region.
Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce is at the center of our community. The business community of course, but also the community at large because we believe that one is not possible without the other. We understand our role as a bridge between Grand Island businesses, lawmakers at all levels, community leaders and citizens.
Grand Island Chamber
Connect brings together like-minded individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s from all professions in the Norfolk area. We are committed to improving ourselves for the purpose of creating a better community. We are the next generation of leaders who impact the future of Northeast Nebraska, and we want to empower others to make a difference by becoming active participants in their careers and communities.
Norfolk Area Chamber of Commerce
Connecting Young Nebraskans (CYN) is a statewide network designed to connect, empower and retain young Nebraskans. CYN focuses on enhancing the opportunities for individuals ages 21–40 to impact their communities through networking and learning experiences.
Connecting Young Nebraskans

The Young Professional Network (YPN) exists to empower future community leaders through professional development, personal growth and networking opportunities. Membership is composed of professionals in the 21‐40 age bracket.
Kearney Young Professional Network
The Lincoln Young Professionals Group is dedicated to empowering young professionals with educational, leadership and networking opportunities. Serving 2000+ members, the Lincoln Young Professionals group is one of the largest in the country.
Lincoln Young Professionals Group
We are next generation leaders who impact Greater Omaha’s future. A program of the Greater Omaha Chamber, we are a passionate group serving as a catalyst to retain and attract young professionals through engagement, opportunity and advocacy.
Greater Omaha Chamber Young Professionals
The Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership (SCCDP) is an active advocate for businesses and the county at the local, state and Federal levels. The SCCDP brings various groups and individuals together to explore and, ultimately, support key projects and activities for the betterment of Seward County and communities within the county.
Seward County Chamber & Development Partnership
Wayne Area Economic Development represents the comprehensive economic development partnership of Wayne Area Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Wayne, and Wayne Industries is the branded identity for regional development in the greater Wayne area.
Wayne Area Economic Development
York Young Professionals is dedicated to cultivating a vibrant, professional community in the York area by providing networking, educational and volunteer opportunities.
York Young Professionals
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